(716) 487-8000

Wills, Trusts, & Estates

Protecting your family’s future

It is extremely important for every adult to have a Will. With it, you can decide the distribution of your property, name a guardian for your children, leave property to family, friends, or charities – and most importantly – make your wishes known.

At Raimondo & Sundquist, our team will be glad to help you get your essential trust and estate documents in order. The process is simple – we’ll sit down together and discuss your property, family situation, and your intended distributions. Then our office will draft the Will and accompanying documents (usually a power of attorney, health care directives, and living will). We will keep a signed copy in our files in case there is ever any question.

Give our office a call today for a free consultation. 

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Phone: (716) 487-8000
Email: info@raimondosundquist.com

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